
10 12 2008

I’ll be right here in two days. What do you think about? You like it, don’t you?

If you don’t know this place, I suggest you to try to go there as soon as possible; I think this is a place where feelings, thoughts and emotions meet ‘em. I don’t have words to explain what do I feel when I’m walking on those streets or having a coffee right there in a coffee shop at Main Street… and now it’s Christmas time so we can enjoy the traditional market, you can… you must go out to have some drinks, buy typical things, meet friends and of course ask for Glühwein in all the stands and get warmer in spite of it’s cold. I’ve heard that this is the most romantic city there’s in Europe and I think they’re right. It’s something special what you feel there. Trust me!

Let’s have a look…

Efectivamente, este fin de semana, de regreso a Heidelberg… a intentar disfrutar de esa feria, del mercadillo, de todo lo bonito que hay en aquella ciudad… ¡y ese Glühwein a la salud de todos! ahí calentito…

Bueno, en serio, es una ciudad preciosa, sin duda. Es la cuarta o la quinta vez que voy y me quedo prendado cada vez como si fuera la primera. Mirad, esto es un mural de fotos de la ciudad. Yo por mi parte haré muchas fotos. ¡Un abrazo!.